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What You Need to Know About Failure to Pay Child Support

Child support is a serious legal obligation, and the failure to meet this responsibility can result in significant legal consequences. Understanding the implications of falling behind on child support payments is crucial for any parent navigating this aspect of family law. It's important that you understand the information regarding the repercussions of failing to pay child support, the steps one can take if facing financial difficulties, and the legal avenues available for enforcement.

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Woman and child holding hands outdoors

What Should Be Included in Any Parenting Plan

A parenting plan is a critical component of any child custody arrangement. It outlines how parents will share responsibilities for their children following a separation or divorce, with the child's best interests are always at the forefront.

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Young couple and their daughter visiting lawyer

Can My Ex Stop Working in Order to Stop Child Support?

Managing child support issues can be challenging, especially when your ex appears to be deliberately avoiding payments. At Safi, Duran & Chim, PLLC, we guide individuals in Fairfax and Northern Virginia through child support matters. Our experienced team is committed to providing you with the support needed to address any challenges you may face.

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Kid daughter feels upset while parents fighting at background

Sole Custody vs. Joint Custody

Making your way through a separation or divorce is challenging, especially when children are involved. One of the most pivotal decisions during this process is determining the right custody arrangement for your family.

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Couple going through divorce signing papers

Divorcing a Narcissist: Leveraging a Mental Health Exam

Divorcing a narcissist is not just a legal battle; it's an emotional and psychological war. The complexities involved in such cases often extend beyond the typical disputes over assets and custody.

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Divorced parents arguing about child custody

Child Custody FAQ

When it comes to parenting, few topics are as emotionally charged or complex as child custody. At Safi, Duran & Chim, PLLC, we understand that the well-being of your children is your top priority. Therefore, we’ve compiled an FAQ guide on child custody to offer clarity and guidance for parents facing these challenging circumstances.

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Printed child support agreement with man, woman and child wooden figures

How Child Support Is Calculated in Virginia

Child support represents a legal obligation that aims to safeguard the financial well-being of a child following the separation or divorce of their parents. This financial support helps cover the expenses related to the child's living conditions, education, healthcare, and overall upbringing.

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Child Support Note Placed On Top Of Dollar

Child Support FAQ

In Virginia, both parents, regardless of marital status, have an obligation to financially support their children. Each parent is responsible for a certain percentage of the total child support amount, which is determined by their income.

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Wife and husband trying to settle divorce

How to Protect Assets From Divorce

Protecting assets and hidding assets during a divorce are two distinct concepts that are crucial to understand. When talking about hiding assets, it is an unethical and illegal practice of concealing assets from the other spouse during the divorce process.

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Women signing pre/post nup agreement

Prenup vs. Postnup

When it comes to safeguarding your financial future before or after saying "I do," understanding the difference between a prenuptial and postnuptial agreement is crucial. Both documents serve as a mutual understanding between spouses about asset division should the marriage dissolve, but they're signed at different times in the marital journey.

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